Monday 6 October, 2008

Do you see Favouritism?

Favouritism happens in two ways

1.When the boss or superior,has some social needs or expects any other favour,he consciously rewards people who will fulfill those needs even though others are better qualified.Like hiring a assistant just because she is sexy .


2.When a person performs better before his boss or superior,he makes a good impression.So many times unconsciously bosses tend to give better appraisals to such people even though others would have performed at the same level.For example:When all the assistants are equally qualified,the sexy one has the edge and wins the job with a smile. She has enough experience and has a great smile too!!

If you see any favouritism try and figure which situation is it ,the first or second.If it is the second,try and be cheerful in your next interview and have a great smile. If it is the first,just be happy you escaped the situation and be confident that a better one will come along to prove yourself.


Extending this favouritism to brands,even though two brands score good on functional parameters, consumers may favour one of the brands because it connects with them emotionally. The competitor's product is just as good but it does not have the happy factor which will make the consumer feel good about the purchase. For example a Creative Zen player offers a little more for a lesser price than the Apple IPod.But owning a IPod makes the consumer look "cool" while the Creative Zen is just a good player,it won't be able to satisfy the consumer's social status needs.


  1. I knw who and what inspired you to write this post... ;)!!
    keep em comin pal...!!

  2. Its human to think so! I think brands need to do better than emotional appeal if they have to connect to people. Zen is a bit bulkier than iPod but has more features. Good observation. Same goes with apparels, best-sellers, travel plans, vehicles and what not. All purchase decisions are based on the same thing.

  3. Nice analogy between the sexy secretary and the brand.

    Appreciate it.
