Tuesday 13 January, 2009

>>>>>MJ>>> IS >>>BACK>>> ONLINE>>>>

Hi everyone.....if you haven't noticed,this new year is not that great..specially for my blog...Tiger the prime driver and first critic of my blog got lil too annoyed at me for not blogging despite his constant nagging..that he put a comment on my previous post. so what really happened to me ??

Here is the reason some of  you might know I am 'reverse dieting' (pls dont lol) and so I started  to eat 4 times a day.Not just that I used to put a lot of effort on group assignments,but the first two weeks my groupmates took charge and I just relaxed.

This is very new to my mental and physical routine so there were side effects .I  ate  right times all  and slept early.So I just ate all day and slept all night..no reading , blogging ,orkuting etc

Funny thing is all these days I did not have proper food or sleep, used to burn the midnight oil for studies , blogging etc but still stay bright in class..but once I started having a proper routine like others I felt very tired & drowsy and didn't do any work.

My friends say me I am weird because what's normal to them (good food & proper sleep) is weird to me..anyways I am slowly adjusting to this  so called normal life..hopefully I will adjust soon..I will be blogging steadily but may be in a slower pace...    Pls put in ur feedback about the new stretched  look..I felt I can use more space for the pics..


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back buddy. Remember the satellite and the push cart example. Health is wealth and hope you get most of it.
