Monday, 8 March 2010

IPL – Innovative Performers League

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
One of the factors to achieve greatness , is to stand the test of time , and that’s why Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright ever.
Even today the above mentioned quote from “As You Like It” is put to good use to generate billions of revenue , providing employment to thousands of people and most of all entertaining billions of people just using a bat & a ball.
Ruchi, asked me a few days before “what do you think of IPL?”.I imagehad no answer then.I haven't had thought about it much .But the more I thought about it, I saw more drama than the sport itself. After watching Harsha Bhogle’s TED talk on IPL , my bro and I couldn’t decide whether he was favoring IPL or mocking it. But it did strengthened my opinion that IPL is more about business than cricket
IPL1 was good , IPL 2 was better, and I am sure IPL 3 would be even better ,not because of cricket but because of the controversies .

In the first season, the idea of IPL itself triggered enough controversy, but in IPL 2 it wasn't enough, also the venue was changed to South Africa from India. That was a terrible shock to everyone who were dreaming to make money by riding along the IPL wave.This includes right from the ground authorities to the guy who sells groundnuts around cricket stadiums.As the ticket revenues in India got vaporized (not all IPL fanatics had the money to fly to SA) TRP’s became even more crucial. So came the Fake IPL Player among the other on court dramas to boost up the TRP’s.
Now IPL 3 is around the corner and the controversies have started already .
(read fast like a cricket commentary) Auction started, no Pakistan players were selected, becomes breaking news and need arises for bilateral talks..Media “erroneously” announce Razzak is selected, Deccan declines next day…SRK makes a comment…Sena gets worked up …people flock to MNIK with police protection to support SRK….after 2 weeks film is termed a flop….. ( do u see a connection here?)
The FAKE IPL PLAYER returns and this time he has got more than a blog, he is going to release a book just before IPL 3 starts. Its being published by Harper Collins but author is still “unknown” (Oh C'mon!! this is too much)
Meanwhile tenders for 2 new IPL franchisees are underway and the base price for the team is set @ US$225 million which is twice than the most expensive team in IPL (Its Ambani’s team @ US$111 million).Also this time IPL will webcasted live on You Tube (no one knows the deal value)
Ever wondered why the T2o matches of IPL are always more exciting than other T20 matches? Is it the cheer leaders? Is it the diversity in the teams? Is it the money ? Is it the fame? Is it the celebs? or is it plainly because its Cricket & its India! ?.
You want to know wat i think?? Since you have read this much I assume you want to know what i think
I think in IPL, its not just the players who play, but everyone who is involved are playing their parts well.
I think the players in IPL don’t play cricket but PERFORM Cricket. No I am not implying all the matches are fixed, (i don't have enough proof for that) but certainly influenced in some way or the other.I think its scripted to a certain extent.
I can't say the chairman is responsible for this.,but whoever is doing it ,he is the greatest playwright on earth bcoz if it was not for IPL, India Inc would never imagined do reach such heights in Marketing , in Cricket , in Business and possibly the ultimate performance taking entertainment to a new level , uniting Politics,Business,Bollywood and finally Cricket into one Big Reality Show which not even Shakespeare could have scripted,
and for that Sir..I Salute You.


  1. Truly,the stage has been set for the IPL3...Its an awesome business idea by Lalit Modi and cohorts to mint money out of a sport that is a religion in this country of cricket enthusiasts. The row over the inclusion of Pakistani players was the first publicity gimmick of IPL3...with the Government saying it never directed the order of ignoring the Pak players....Lalit Modi saying this was never planned...Pak players crying foul...the question arises then why this happened?...

    Real drama was SRK protesting this non-inclusion and facing the ire of Shiv Sena and ultimnately becoming a martyr of Democracy...this IPL3 indeed promises a lot of twists and turns and a lot of Entertainment....buckle up your seats...the show has just started... :))

    P.S Please correct the SRK movie where you have spelt it MINK when it is MNIK.....(MINK is another raging issue in itself and you can write another post on it :P)

  2. @ruchi Thanks for the comment and
    yes it has been corrected :)
    but i am not planning to write on MNIK :P

  3. u again got it wrong :P;)....i said MINK was a raging controversy not MNIK...surely u have heard about MINK Fur coats(which are damn expensive) and PETA and other animal rights group condemning people who trade,buy or wear them.

  4. @Ruchi hahahaha bad...i am not concerned abt that either :|
