First the commercial ...From celebrities like Eva Longoria ,Deepak Chopra to African High School Teacher ,a cattle ranch owner say "I am a PC" rather proudly.The website says "if you are a PC we will celebrate you".
Now the obvious question is while Mac users may proudly say they are MAC's , how many people are really 'proud' of using a PC? Moreover MAC is a brand, PC is not a brand or trademark connected to Microsoft.Of course it would ridiculous to say "I am a Windows" but even if this line catches up,how it will strengthen the MS or Windows brand?
But one clever thing they have done is they have invited users to post their own videos saying "I am a PC " which will feature in Times Square,New York as well their website. Hundreds of videos are already in the website.
The print Ads make much more sense and give a clear message about Life Without Walls which points to MS' interest in Cloud Computing. In fact Live Mesh,an application which can connect your desktop,notebook,mobile & even a Mac!!(coming soon),is available as a tech preview.
Although it is not great,atleast phase 2 seems to make more sense as it has a clear message for the customers what they should expect from MS- a life without walls.
I have not seen this ad but it seems to be on parellel lines with the What-an-idea-sirji ad where mobile is used across borders or rather 'without walls' to teach children. Lets wait and see.