Stress is one of the most common and
neglected disorder. In today's busy world,everyone from CEO of an MNC to school kids are stressed about something.Its important to identify the sources of stress,is it work,social life,money or psychological so that one can de-stress themselves.
The institute of HeartMath has a online survey that helps the user to identify the stress areas . Dr. Rozman, a founding member of IHM says "With all that people are going through today, managing stress and emotions is vital for helping to offset the anger, judgments, anxiety, blame and resentment - and make good decisions,People do have the power to help themselves and this Stress & Well-Being Survey can help."Take the demo survey here.
Some tips to reduce stress
1.Exercise atleast 15 mins daily
2.Listen to Music
3.Take a lot of fluids(healthy ones)
4.Break the routine(change the usual restaurant)
5.Organize the work area,throw away unwanted things.
6.Take a slow walk preferably alone
7.Call up a old friend and say hi
8.Get unplugged for an hour once in a week. (no mobile,TV,Internet,if possible loose the ipod too)
9.Take a small trip atleast once in a month
10.Get a Good Night sleep